How would you like to save $60 on your Tennessee marriage license
and at the same time make a
huge investment in the future of your marriage?
   Introducing the At-Home Marriage Preparation Course where you can do BOTH!. 

A marriage license in Tennessee now costs $98.50 (most counties). UNLESS . . . you have a marriage preparation course completion certificate (official government form) signed by a certified provider. With a certificate the license is $60 less.

Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep courseOver a year ago, Tennessee added a sixty-dollar tax to the marriage license to encourage couples to get some kind of premarital preparation. We do need to do something in Tennessee. We have the second highest divorce rate in the country.

But how many people do you suppose will go pay a professional counselor $100-$150 an hour for four hours to save $60? Not everyone has a church home either. Many just don't know any minister well enough to feel comfortable going to see them. These are some of the reasons so many couples in Tennessee (and more & more all over the country) are thrilled to hear about the At-Home Marriage Preparation Course.


Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep course

Here are some of the benefits couples are enjoying using the at home marriage preparation course:

  •  Do at your own convenience with privacy in your own home or at the park
  •  Cover same subjects as you would in a counselor's office
  •  Have fun learning together about each other and marriage
  •  Build confidence in your relationship strengths & explore need areas
  •  Save money & go out to eat!

Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep courseHere's what couples are saying after using the at home marriage preparation course:

"It gave us an opportunity to evaluate ourselves as a couple - not as individuals - and helped us focus on what it will take for us to continue to have a successful friendship and partnership, as well as cultivate a successful marriage."

"It gave us the chance to get some big issues out in the open. It really allowed us in the end to be more confident in our decision to get married."

"We have only good things to say about this course! I feel we were able to be completely honest with each other, something that would not have happened in a counselor's office."


Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep course

Here's what's in the marriage preparation course:


Getting ready for marriage should be fun! You can pick from several fun activities to learn about each other & marriage. How does a field trip to the mall sound? What about watching a movie? Learn how to grow your marriage by having fun. These learning-through-fun skills will continue to help you over the years.

THE 12 KEY RELATIONSHIP AREAS:Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep course

Are you sure you've talked about all twelve of these areas? Do you know what your strengths are as a couple? Your growth needs? Wouldn't it be interesting to find out if your partner had the same answers as you?


Do you really know what your partner wants? Do they really understand what's most important to you? This is your big chance to say it outright.


Couples tell me they really enjoy doing this exercise.

AND MORE . . .

Family of origin questions; communication & conflict resolution principles; resources for stepfamilies; and some passages for those looking for direction from scriptures.

Note: This course is based on Ralph Griggs masters & doctorial work in counseling, his 28 years of ministerial experiences in working with couples, and his 27 years of marriage. Ralph also conducts marriage training courses and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.

I really do want couples to use this marriage preparation course.

Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep courseAs mentioned earlier, Tennessee has a divorce problem.

According to the last U.S. Census Report, there are 33,000 divorces in Tennessee every year. That's enough people to fill the stadium where the Tennessee Titans play.

Why the high divorce rate? For one thing, too many couples spend far more time planning their wedding & honeymoon than they do their marriage. It boggles the mind. After all, a wedding is a day; a marriage is for a lifetime.

Some think they don't have time for marriage preparation, or it's going to be a hassle. How about the time and hassle of running to a lawyer filling out separation papers?!

You don't have to choose between having a great wedding and having a great marriage. You can have both.

Think how much better things can be with a little effort on the front end. You'll get a heads-up to your relationship's tricky issues & have some compromises already worked out. You'll know that your mate cares enough about the relationship to put some effort into it. You'll begin your marriage with more realistic expectations.Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep course

And getting a good start to your marriage is very important. I have a passion for helping couples, and stepfamilies, get a good start.

That's why I'm giving away the At-Home Marriage Preparation Course!

Anyone can download the entire marriage preparation course right now and use it (I hope everyone will).

Here's how you save $60 on your marriage license:

Spend at least 4 hours using the marriage preparation course.

That's not hard to do at all. You can do a couple of the 2FUN activities, discuss a few of the questions in the relationship areas, do the I feel loved when... exercise, and you most likely have your four hours done.

Many couples wind up spending more than the required four hours - just because it's fun.

Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep courseBut, spend at least 4 hours. Then, you a few brief responses to questions on the last page of the marriage preparation course. This confirms to me that you used the course.

It's only at this point that I ask for a donation of $29.97 for the At-Home Marriage Preparation Course.

I can then mail you your official government completion certificate. Take this certificate with you when you go get your license, and save $60.

I know this marriage preparation course won't change the whole world, but I do believe it will make a difference in people's lives.


Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep course


    Smoky Mountain Wedding at home marriage prep courseHere are the four easy steps you take:

    1. Download the At-Home Marriage Preparation Course right now.
    Note: I will never give out your email address to anyone.

    2. At your convenience, spend at least 4 hours using the course.

    3. Email me a few brief responses to questions on the last page of the course to verify your time spent.

    4. Donate $29.97 by credit card via our secure paypal system (Click button below to "Place Order") for the At-Home Marriage Preparation Course.

    5. Please note: This course is in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, you will need to download the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be able to view this file properly if not already installed on your system.

    Get Adobe Reader- Free Download


After your donation, I will:

- mail to you your official Tennessee completion certificate

- re-direct you to your FREE bonus

  • The E-Z Tennessee Name Change Guide (other name change kits sell for around $25 on the Internet). This bride's name change guide is a no-nonsense, get-it-done guide so you can get on with your life. It will save you time, money and frustration!

NOTE: If you'd like to have your FREE E-Z Tennessee Name Change Guide now before completing the marriage preparation course simply go ahead and make your donation and you will soon receive your Name Change Guide.

Take your completion certificate with you when you go get your Tennessee marriage license to save $60. Then go out and celebrate your investment in your marriage (or tell me to mind my own business and do whatever you want).

P.S. I do not have to perform your wedding for you to use my marriage preparation course and receive the discount on your Tennessee marriage license. Why not go ahead and download the course and see what you think. You are under no obligation to me for taking a look.

Minister Rob Bremer - Performing Smoky Mountain wedding ceremonies in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and the surrounding area.

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